323-819-9622 (text messages only please)
At 21ten Theatre

We meet at the theater this Sunday at the regular time: 10am. I hope you can join!
Actorcise is the actor's workout. Like a gym, it is a place to practice what we actors do more regularly. But, it is also a place of community. Traditionally, we have done cold reading exercises, but as we move forward, this will be a group-led effort to decide week to week what will be worked on. It could be scene work, or it could be audition technique. We might have a guest speaker, create new material, or have a mix of activities.
It is best to let me know you are coming. But I want you to feel free to just show up, if you are making a last second decision.
Actorcise: The Actor’s Workout
This Week: Come without as you are or come with something prepared.
10am Sunday January 5th
21ten Theatre 2110 SE 10th
Donations Support Actorcise